Undated Photos.
The photographs above and to the left were bought as a pair but I have no knowledge of any of the individuals shown or the year these images were taken. The only clue is a name and address written on the back (see above right) and the Flight name: 1B No 1 School of Recruit Training.
Written on the back of the group photo left, the name and address is the information I have about these men.
No 43c Flight. Hut 356. No 2 School of Recruit Training. I have received this undated photograph of a small group of recruits at Cardington from Carolyn Jones which also has signatures on the back. Carolyn has the following information. “One of the signatures (on the right) is my uncle, Ron Sadler….I do know that he was a Corporal and went to live in Alberta, Canada, but that's about it.”
Thomas Gordon Tunstall.
This photo has been sent in by Karen Mackay.
"Good Afternoon Jane. My name is Karen Mackay, I recently came across a photo of my father in his RAF uniform with his name & RAF Cardington on the back. I was wondering if you would be able to find or have any info/details of his time at the base. His name was Thomas Gordon Tunstall born 17/10/1934 so would probably have been there in the 50's. I have attached a copy of the photo for you. Anything you can find would be amazing." - Given her father’s age he was most likely enlisting at Cardington so would have been “processed” and allocated a trade in a matter of weeks and then posted to an appropriate station. It is not even known if Thomas was at Cardington as a Regular or National Service recruit. – Thanks Jane. May 2020.
Ian Earey has sent in this image: “I have been looking at your website of RAF Cardington with great interest. I have attached a photo of 26D Flight cadets of which one of them was my father Jack Earey, (seventh from the left, second row down). Unfortunately I do not know the years that he was stationed there but as he was born in 1932 I guess it could be around 1950.” Thank you Ian. Hopefully someone may be able to date this – Jane.
This image is of an intake at No 2 Recruits Centre - no other details are known.
Joanna Roberts has sent in this group photograph. The full caption reads: “No 7A Flight. No 2 School of Recruit Training” “HI Jane. I have attached a photograph from my late father. My father Alexander Bastyan was born in 1931 and joined the RAF as his national service. He is in the attached photograph. Second row down. Third from the right. He worked on RADAR and spent some time in Malta. I have a few of his notebooks. I have attached a photo of the books. The book from Yatesbury has notes on RADAR. Inside the cover of the book there is a date 20/11/53 with the remark V.G with an instructor's initials.” Thank you Joanna – Jane Feb 2021.
This notebook records his time at Yatesbury.
A notebook belonging to Alexander Bastyan.