Servicemen 1944-1945.
​Shown above and helpfully dated is a photograph sent in by Lorna Cowan. Her stepfather Frank Burroughs is third from left middle row. Lorna doesn't know too much about his time only that he became an electrical engineer and was later posted to Calcutta. Lorna tells us "He does look so happy I believe this was one of the happiest times of his life. He even volunteered to stay on in India long after the war ended to allow married men to go home to their families. That was the type of the man he was: selfless." Our thanks to Lorna It is a real pleasure to show his photo here.
Aircraftsman 2nd Class Graham Gill at RAF Cardington Jan 1944. More details of Graham can be found on the Eye Witness 1939-1945 page.
Shown above Benjamin Verber back row, 3rd from right with the moustache. This group photograph dated April 9th 1944 has been sent in by Ian Verber and shows his father Benjamin Verber. “I have recently inherited some of my father's war memorabilia. (He died in 1986 and passed them on to my elder brother who sadly died last year). His name was Benjamin Verber and he was enlisted into the RAFVR at Cardington on 7/3/44. After basic training he trained as a radar engineer and like Frank Burroughs he was posted to Calcutta - Dum Dum air base. He was attached to 52 Air Transport Squadron. He was married with a new born baby (my late brother) and was one of the men allowed early compassionate repatriation in May 1946 thanks to the selflessness of men like Frank. I was very interested to see the photo of Frank's induction group posted by his stepdaughter. He must have been at Cardington nearly the same time as dad. I attach a photo of my dad's induction group. He is back row, 3rd from right with the moustache. (Very RAF - he continued to wear it for the rest of his life).” Ian also adds “You have a section on entertainment on the website so I also attach a programme* of a play put on whilst dad was in Cardington - starring Basil Radford, no less.” Thank you Ian! - Jane July 2020. *The programme has now been added to the Entertainment page.
Thank you Ian - Jane. July 2020.